Facebook is considering to allow the reconstruction of less than 13 years to join the network

New report published by The Wall Street Journal yesterday, that the study site Facebook to allow access to the social network in the world for months, individuals under the age of 13 years.

According Mancherth newspaper and widespread, it seems that the management of Facebook development of new technology will give parents control of the accounts of their children less than 13 years, by linking the expense of the mother or father, calculates the Son, to show all the movements of the child on the network in front of his parents, requests for friendship , comments, and even games that exercised little.

A spokesman for the network negative or positive comment about the news, but he pointed out, according to the newspaper, that "experience shows that the restrictions on the Age of the Internet has become useless, as described"

He added: "We are in constant dialogue with stakeholders, regulators and other policy makers on how best to help parents keep their children in a safe environment on the Internet edge."


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